Advisersure can assist you by:

  • Helping you establish a SMSF in the most effective form.
  • Helping manage your existing SMSF and ensuring it is compliant.
  • Providing you carefully researched recommendations of investing strategies for your SMSF.
  • Helping with Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (LRBA) if you wish your SMSF to purchase property.

A self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) is a way to save for retirement where the members are also the trustees of the fund.

The trustees have total control of the fund and can make decisions on what investments it wants the fund to own. A SMSF gives you more control over your super and retirement planning but it’s important to understand the responsibilities that come with being a trustee.

At Advisersure, we are experts in SMSF. We understand what is required by trustees and help trustees meet the compliance and administration obligations essential to run their own fund.

We also have numerous SMSF strategies and investment plans to help you get the best from your fund. Whether you are thinking about setting up an SMSF or running an existing SMSF, we can help you.

Case Study

Steve and Laura run a successful cafe business, where they own the business premises. They are looking to grow their business and require further capital to do so.

After sitting down and discussing different opportunities with them, it was recommended that their SMSF purchase the business premises from them. The premises had a market value of $600,000 and their SMSF was worth $1.5m, with $300,000 of ready available cash. The property was sold to their SMSF under a Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement (LRBA), where 50% ratio of cash and borrowings were used.

Now the business pays the SMSF market rate rental payments for the lease of the premises, which are used to cover the loan payments. When Steve and Laura turn 60, these payments will be tax free to the SMSF and if they choose to sell the property in the future, the sale would be capital gains free.

The best thing is that the business has received a $600,000 capital injection to expand and grow.

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