Advisersure can assist you by:

  • Helping identify the financial risks you face and which can be insured against
  • Quantifying the amounts of insurance cover required
  • Advising on the most appropriate and tax effective ownership structures
  • Researching and recommending the most appropriate policies at the right price
  • Guiding you through the proposal and underwriting process
  • Reviewing the insurance programme regularly to ensure continued effectiveness
  • If you make a claim we are there to minimise the stress and expedite payments

Most people don’t think twice about insuring their home. However, beyond that, we don’t think to cover our most valuable assets – our life and our ability to earn income over the long term.

“It won’t happen to me…” Maybe you’re right. Maybe bad things only happen to other people. But that doesn’t mean you want to risk being caught unprepared – and uninsured.

At Advisersure, we can help you assess your current risks and work with you to determine the best level and type of protection you and your family require. Through our extensive research of different insurers and the policies they provide, we will help you develop the best plan to fulfil your needs.

We are also there when you and your family need help the most – claim time. This is an area greatly undervalued and overlooked but most appreciated

Case Study

Jack and Karen had been married for 3 years and have 12 month old twin baby girls. They had also just purchased their dream house in which to raise the girls and took out a large mortgage to do so.

Whilst driving home after work, tragedy struck. Jack was involved in an accident and was killed instantly. He was only 38 years old.

Jack and Karen had taken out Term Life Insurance cover before Jack’s death. The lump sum that Karen and her daughters received helped pay off the mortgage on the house plus provide enough capital to invest to maintain the lifestyle they were accustomed to.

There is nothing we can do about the emotional side of losing a loved one. Yet, we can assist with alleviating the financial impact of such tragedies by providing personal insurance options so that in the event that the unexpected occurs, your loved ones are financially secure.

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