Advisersure can assist you by:

  • Review of your total financial situation, including future possible tax burdens
  • Give carefully researched advice on investing and borrowing decisions for a tax effective outcome
  • Ensure that ownership of your assets is organised to minimise unnecessary taxes.
  • Align your financial objectives and timelines for a tax effective outcome.

Part of our philosophy in designing financial strategies is to control what you can.

Minimising taxes and costs represents a key opportunity to make a major difference to your investment returns and risk over both the short and long term.  Pre-tax returns, usually the main focus of newspaper headlines and a lot of marketing, is almost meaningless to individual investors. What matters is after-tax dollars.

At Advisersure, we consider your whole picture and take into consideration present and future tax liabilities when developing client plans, to ensure the best possible outcomes for clients. Because there are so many factors that contribute to the amount of tax you pay, it is important to obtain comprehensive advice.

Case Study

Matt and Rachel are married and have 3 children. They have accumulated savings in a bank account and are now considering establishing an investment portfolio.

Rachel works full-time in a high paying role as an IT consultant in the city. Matt is a stay at home dad, looking after their three young children.

After discussing and outlining Matt and Rachel investment objectives and goals, we were able to help establish a diversified portfolio. The recommended portfolio ensured the ownership of the investments were structured in the most tax efficient manner, to minimise tax now and in the future. We also ensured that the recommendation tied in with their estate plan and potential future ownership.

The outcome was that Matt and Rachel were able to grow their investment portfolio value more quickly which gave there family more options and flexibility in the future.

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